Estate planning is a difficult exercise for most people. It means facing your mortality, making difficult decisions about care in your final days, and dividing your property after your death. A full estate plan takes all of this into consideration, but also incorporates items that only matter while you are living. One such item, a...Read More
It’s that time of year again. Thousands of parents are sending their kids off to college or to their first jobs after high school graduation. Many are looking at each other wondering where the time has gone and how the kids grew up so fast. And many wonder what to do next. While you adjust...Read More
Another long cold winter has come to an end, and spring is slowly emerging. You know what that means: it is time for spring cleaning! Many people find great joy in taking the opportunity to open up the house, dust, clean, vacuum, polish and de-clutter; others see it as a massive chore. Whether you revel...Read More
Creating a comprehensive estate plan is only the beginning of the estate planning process. Every so often, a life event will require you to review and revise your estate plan to keep it current. Here are the top four events that will likely trigger major updates to your plan. When Should I Revisit My Estate...Read More
If something happened to you, would your loved ones know what to do? Many people think that they’re prepared for the unexpected just because they have a will. But a complete estate plan—one that provides needed guidance to your family and friends—is much more than just a will. Depending on your needs, your estate plan...Read More