After a DWI, Rebuilding Your Life Is Possible With These Tips From Our Attorneys A DWI arrest can feel like the end of the world, but it doesn’t have to be. The world is full of people who’ve faced drunk driving charges and moved forward with their lives. You’ve probably met some of them without...Read More
Warm Weather in Minnesota Comes with Motorized Toys All of your neighbors will undoubtedly praise the arrival of the long-awaited warm weather we’re finally experiencing. Per usual, it was a long winter. The abundance of cool motorized vehicles, like an ATV, we now see on Minnesota roads, trails, and waterways feels like a celebration. With...Read More
How Can I Get A DWI Expunged in Minnesota? How to Remove a Driving While Impaired Conviction From Your Record The Minnesota Department of Traffic Safety says one out of seven licensed Minnesota drivers has at least one DWI (sometimes called a DUI) on their record. If your record shows a DWI/DUI conviction, you can...Read More
Understanding When You Could Face a Felony DWI/DUI Charge Minnesota law spells out four degrees, or levels, of DWI/DUI. They range from fourth-degree, which is the least serious, to first-degree, which is the most serious If you’re facing DWI charges in Minnesota, you’ll need to understand what makes them a felony. When Can You Be...Read More
What You Need To Know About Minnesota Whiskey Plates If you’ve spent much time driving in Minnesota, you may have noticed a few vehicles that have plain white license plates with black or blue lettering, and the first letter is always W. These are commonly known as “whiskey plates.” They are specially issued plates that...Read More
First DWI? Now What? In Minnesota, driving while impaired (DWI) means driving, operating, or controlling a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you’re pulled over and arrested for driving while impaired, you might be wondering what happens next. So let’s dive into the following steps, as well as the Minnesota...Read More
Will A DWI Affect My CDL? No one wants a DWI or DUI offense on their record. The consequences include embarrassment, fines, impoundment of your vehicle and its plates, jail time, and the revocation of your driver’s license. But if you are a commercial driver, cancellation of your CDL license due to a DWI is...Read More
Alcohol Charges Are Serious Everyone has seen the cliched drunk Santa in movies (and maybe even in real life). However, public intoxication is no joke. It’s also legal In Minnesota. Yes, you read that correctly. You can’t be arrested for simply being drunk in public. But don’t take that as permission to get soused and...Read More
The holiday season of celebrations is over, but many drivers are still feeling the consequences after having too much to drink and then being pulled over. Impaired driving laws are an effort to keep everyone safe on the roads. Yet, driving while intoxicated still happens, and the consequences can be serious. You or someone you...Read More
A new law affecting Minnesota residents convicted of DUI became effective on August 1 of this year, bringing with it restrictions on the ability to drive a wide variety of vehicles. The new law is known as Little Alan’s Law. Little Alan’s Law Eight-year-old Alan Geisenkoetter, Jr., was watching his father, Alan Sr., put up...Read More