
child support
Divorce Settlement
How Are Divorce Settlements Enforced? We often find people having trouble with enforcing divorce settlements. When you finalized your divorce, you signed a settlement agreement. This is essentially a court-approved contract that outlines how your assets and debts should be split.   You also set up a schedule for items like alimony and child support. Whether...
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kids with father in park
Will My Divorce Affect My Children? If you have children and are considering a divorce, the first thing on your mind is how your divorce will impact them. It is what keeps parents in an unhappy marriage longer than they want to be. While you shouldn’t seek divorce with a cavalier attitude, there are times...
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Divorce And Child Custody
What Is Child Custody? How child custody is determined in Minnesota can be hard to navigate. Legal Custody gives you the right to make decisions about your child’s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical Custody- this is when your child lives with you. You make decisions about your child’s day-to-day activities, what they eat, wear,...
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father walking with child visiting
What Is Supervised Visitation? Most of the time, when parents have visitation, they have the child during their scheduled time, and they can watch movies, eat, work on homework, and whatever else they feel like doing, unsupervised. But some visitation arrangements aren’t like that. Sometimes, a court order requires another adult to supervise the parenting...
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Child custody arrangements are often the most challenging aspect of a divorce case. While it is never ideal, joint child custody is usually the best way that the child can spend time with both parents. Now, COVID-19 is causing many to question if the changed circumstances we all are facing should also change these custody...
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Wooden Judge Gavel And Golden Rings Divorce
Reaching a fair arrangement when ending a marriage can be a painful process. After all the effort that goes into reaching that stage, it can be maddening when your former spouse refuses to abide by its terms. There are several steps you can take to get things back on track. A Legally Binding Document A...
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Man and Women Lawyers Going Over Legal Plan
Contrary to the popular belief of Hollywood filmmakers, divorce doesn’t always have to be a knockdown, drag-out fight between two people whose love for one another has withered away. In fact, many divorces resolve amicably, by two people who simply realized that a life together was no longer the best option for them. In these...
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House Keys and Money
It is very rare that any divorce is finalized without at least a few challenges. And when it comes to couples with significant wealth and assets, the divorce process involves many unique hurdles that must be overcome before the next chapter in life can begin. If you’re facing a high-asset divorce, effectively addressing each of...
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Scissors Cutting Marriage Certificate
The end-of-year holidays often cause couples to forego making decisions about divorce. Whether it’s nostalgia, money or not wanting to upset the kids, it was easy to put off a decision. But now, reality sets in and bills from holiday spending start to roll in. Likewise, the New Year often brings with it a spike...
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