
Child Custody
A Bride And groom, A Couple On Their Wedding Day Holding And Swinging A Little Girl In The Air Between Them.
Minnesota Law Prohibits Couples from Including Child Custody or Support in Their Prenups and Postnups Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements focus on financial matters, like protecting family wealth or a business interest. But we sometimes hear from clients who ask us to include provisions related to child custody and child support.  We understand the reasoning: You’re...
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Happy Grandchildrens Girls Having Breakfast With Her Grandparents
How Minnesota Law Protects Your Relationship With Your Grandchildren  It’s usually true that grandparents would do anything for their grandkids. At our Elk River, Minnesota, law firm, we often hear from heartbroken grandparents who worry about how family situations will affect their rights as grandparents. If you’re interested in protecting your rights as a grandparent...
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woman guardian And young child Drawing With Color Pencils And Markers In The Living Room. Smiling Mother Has Fun Playing Paint On Paper With Son On Home Family Weekend, Children Creativity Concept. Selective Focus
The Role a Guardian Ad Litem Plays Is Significant In child custody cases in Minnesota, there are instances where it becomes necessary to involve an expert who can meet with all parties involved, including the children, and provide recommendations to the court. This expert is known as a guardian ad litem. Here’s what you should...
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Young Woman Holds A Small Childd
The Basics About Who Gets Custody When most people think about child custody, they think of disputes and arguments that can get so bad they eventually have to be resolved in court. While sometimes it can go that far, many custody cases are settled out of court. There are various ways parents can reach a...
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Children And Family Conflicts Concept. Little Girl Sitting Upset After Parents Argue
Does A Child Have Any Say In Custody Battles? Most divorcing or separating parents have serious concerns and questions about child custody. The parents may no longer get along, but they usually want to do everything they can to have strong relationships with their children, and where the kids live has a lot to do...
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Mother And Daughter Hugging, Spending Time Together
What Are The Different Types of Custody? When it comes to child custody and divorce, legal terms can get confusing fast. Terms like “joint custody” and “sole custody” can be difficult to understand, especially in the middle of a highly charged emotional situation. Let us help you understand the differences between joint and sole custody...
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kids with father in park
Will My Divorce Affect My Children? If you have children and are considering a divorce, the first thing on your mind is how your divorce will impact them. It is what keeps parents in an unhappy marriage longer than they want to be. While you shouldn’t seek divorce with a cavalier attitude, there are times...
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Divorce And Child Custody
What Is Child Custody? How child custody is determined in Minnesota can be hard to navigate. Legal Custody gives you the right to make decisions about your child’s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical Custody- this is when your child lives with you. You make decisions about your child’s day-to-day activities, what they eat, wear,...
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father walking with child visiting
What Is Supervised Visitation? Most of the time, when parents have visitation, they have the child during their scheduled time, and they can watch movies, eat, work on homework, and whatever else they feel like doing, unsupervised. But some visitation arrangements aren’t like that. Sometimes, a court order requires another adult to supervise the parenting...
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Man Sitting On The Floor P5ubm4g E1598988859390 700x340
Child custody arrangements are often the most challenging aspect of a divorce case. While it is never ideal, joint child custody is usually the best way that the child can spend time with both parents. Now, COVID-19 is causing many to question if the changed circumstances we all are facing should also change these custody...
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