
child custody attorney
Mother And Child Indoors At Home, Hugging.
How Does Custody Work When It Comes To Summer Vacation? Child Custody After Divorce: What to Do About Summer Break Summer break is a time of fun in the sun and memory-making. Yet, the first summer break after your divorce can feel a bit confusing when you have littles. You may have a ton of...
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Mother And Daughter Hugging, Spending Time Together
What Are The Different Types of Custody? When it comes to child custody and divorce, legal terms can get confusing fast. Terms like “joint custody” and “sole custody” can be difficult to understand, especially in the middle of a highly charged emotional situation. Let us help you understand the differences between joint and sole custody...
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Child custody arrangements are often the most challenging aspect of a divorce case. While it is never ideal, joint child custody is usually the best way that the child can spend time with both parents. Now, COVID-19 is causing many to question if the changed circumstances we all are facing should also change these custody...
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Girl And Her Mother Are Washing Hands Yhe2kf9 700x430
 CHIPS actions are court cases involving the health, safety, and welfare of children. CHIPS claims attempt to protect children and to deliver services so they can be safe at home. They may also ensure that children who cannot be home are safe in foster care.  If services do not resolve the issues, the court may...
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Small Child Holding Doll
Divorces that include children will also include child custody and visitation. During this time, it’s best to keep your child’s routine as normal as possible, without major conflict. All visitations should begin with a cordial and safe custody exchange for the wellbeing of your child. Safe Visitation Greatly Benefits Your Child According to the Child...
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