You Want a Divorce. Now What? For most people, the decision to get a divorce is incredibly difficult. It often comes after months, years, or even decades of frustration and disappointment that have finally reached a breaking point. Once you, or perhaps your partner, make the life-changing choice to dissolve your marriage, a hundred other...Read More
Marital Versus Non-Marital Property Under Minnesota Law Simply put, non-marital property is anything that isn’t marital property. Given this seemingly basic definition, people are often surprised at what will be considered marital property in a divorce or legal separation proceeding. If there isn’t an exception that allows you to exclude an item of property from...Read More
What Serious Crimes Are Minnesotans Charged With Most Often? There is no such thing as a trivial criminal charge. A conviction for even relatively “minor” crimes can jeopardize your present and future. The criminal justice system is a hard place to navigate if you don’t have extensive experience. Regardless of the crime you’re accused of,...Read More
What Should I Do if My Child Is Being Tried as an Adult? When Can a Juvenile Be Tried as an Adult? Children under 14 are not tried as adults in Minnesota. However, if your child is over the age of 14, there’s a possibility they may be tried as an adult. The type of...Read More
Can and Should You Take Control of Your Divorce? The divorce process is rarely easy. Dividing lives that were so closely connected is bound to come with conflict. When children are involved, the problems can be more intense. One unfortunate truth for many is that even a relatively easy divorce can be a slow process. ...Read More
How Will I Know If a Plea Deal Is Worth It? The most common way for a criminal case to end is through a plea bargain. Criminal trials where a jury declares the defendant innocent or guilty are the exception rather than the rule. If plea bargains are the likely result of criminal charges, it’s...Read More
Injured on Vacation? Injuries to Tourists Can Lead to Complications When it comes to personal injuries, the law that applies to an accident is typically local. Minnesota law applies to an accident in Minnesota in most cases, regardless of where the parties come from. If you are injured on vacation, that can make things difficult....Read More
Here’s What to Expect As A Witness In Minnesota Taking the stand is not an everyday occurrence for most people. It can be nerve-racking to participate in such an unfamiliar and serious process. Criminal trials can have grave consequences and every participant can feel that weight on their shoulders. How Likely Is it That I...Read More
Can A Long Distance Lawyer Work? You may have heard the phrase “all real estate is local,” meaning that no matter what you see in the national news, if you’re looking for property, you need to talk to someone who knows the details of your local market. When hiring a lawyer to it is similar....Read More
What Do We Know About Hate Crimes? Recent history-changing events such as the murder of George Perry Floyd, Jr. have underscored the importance of protection for all who call the United States home. And in Minnesota, these events are pushing forth new initiatives such as the Hate Crimes Bill moving through the house at the...Read More