What Does Spousal Maintenance Include In Minnesota? What You Should Know About Alimony Divorce is full of tough issues, including the possibility that one spouse may need to financially support the other for a while. Not surprisingly, the parties often disagree about whether spousal maintenance is necessary and, if it is indeed needed, how much...Read More
Reaching a fair arrangement when ending a marriage can be a painful process. After all the effort that goes into reaching that stage, it can be maddening when your former spouse refuses to abide by its terms. There are several steps you can take to get things back on track. A Legally Binding Document A...Read More
Contrary to the popular belief of Hollywood filmmakers, divorce doesn’t always have to be a knockdown, drag-out fight between two people whose love for one another has withered away. In fact, many divorces resolve amicably, by two people who simply realized that a life together was no longer the best option for them. In these...Read More
The end-of-year holidays often cause couples to forego making decisions about divorce. Whether it’s nostalgia, money or not wanting to upset the kids, it was easy to put off a decision. But now, reality sets in and bills from holiday spending start to roll in. Likewise, the New Year often brings with it a spike...Read More
If you pay or receive spousal maintenance payments in this state, then listen up. Spousal maintenance laws in Minnesota recently received a facelift. This facelift could mean the end of your spousal maintenance payments. Spousal maintenance—“alimony” in common terms—is financial support that one ex-spouse pays to another after divorcing (and sometimes while legally separated). These...Read More