Wills and trusts are essential components of a solid estate plan. They ensure your assets are protected and will go where you intend them to. Wills take effect after your death, but trusts can be used during your lifetime and beyond. You will want the assistance of an experienced estate planning attorney to prepare the documents for either of these properly.
Reach out to the experienced estate planning attorneys at White & Associates. We’re here to help.
Are you starting a family? Do you have young ones at home? Now is the time to plan for your children’s future.
By working on your estate plan today, you save yourself and your family time, money, and a whole lot of heartache and hassle down the road. Reach out to our team to discuss your estate planning needs, which may involve:
You secure your family’s future and lay out your legacy with a will. You identify who will care for your children if you are not here to care for them. You determine which charities receive your support and which family members receive an inheritance.
If you die without a will (intestate), the probate court will step in and appoint an administrator who will determine how to divvy up your estate. Unfortunately, this also leaves your estate open to potentially expensive taxes if you have not sheltered it with creative estate planning. You will leave even less of a legacy to pass on to your loved ones.
Several DIY legal websites are ready to sell you a basic template for a will. This may seem like the best use of your potentially limited resources on some levels. However, the problem with these services is that they do not tailor the documents to your specific personal situation. In addition, they don’t give you the legal guidance you need to put your will and other estate planning documents into action. It is the difference between estate “drafting” with no legal advice and estate “planning” with legal guidance.
So, if you created a will using a DIY legal documents website, bring it to us for review. First, let us ensure that your will accurately represents your intentions. And then, let us help you figure out what you need to do to fill in any gaps in your death or disability planning.
There are many kinds of trusts that can be used to transfer assets to your loved ones. They can even transfer ownership of your property during your lifetime. Some trusts, such as an irrevocable trust, can be excluded from your taxable estate. Others can’t be. You must have experienced legal guidance as you decide what type of trust would be most beneficial to you and your loved ones.
Don’t let the courts make decisions for you and your family. Instead, plan now to handle your estate the way you want. Our Elk River law firm offers a free initial consultation that allows you to get to know us and decide what estate planning services are right for you. Call us today at 763-241-0477 or contact our estate planning lawyers online. We’re here to help.