The Collateral Damages of Drug Charges
Drug convictions can result in serious consequences, including expensive fines and imprisonment. Even after paying the fines and serving minimum jail time, there are collateral damages from drug crimes that can follow you for the long term.
Long-Term Consequences of a Drug Conviction
Employment Barriers
For people with drug convictions, one of their biggest difficulties is finding a job. Typically people with drug convictions can make it past the application process, but moving beyond that point can prove to be a challenge.
Minnesota statutes ban employers from asking about an applicant’s criminal record. Usually, this is prohibited only during the application process, although there are some exceptions.
Some employers, like the Department of Corrections, have a statutory duty to do background checks during the initial application. This means you could immediately be disqualified from applying if you have a drug conviction in your past.
Regardless of whether or not you disclose your criminal history as an applicant, an employer can require this information when they interview you or offer you employment. They can also deny you employment based on your criminal record.
Housing Challenges
When you apply for rental housing , many landlords do tenant screenings. They’ll ask for a criminal background check, prior rental history and employment verification. When doing checks on people convicted of drug crimes, some key information may be unavailable.
For instance, if you’ve served jail time, you’ll have a rental history gap. A drug offense can also put a major dent in your finances when you have costly fines to pay. This can prevent you from financing rental expenses, like security deposits and moving costs.
If you’re struggling to gain employment due to your drug offense, you won’t be able to provide employment verification to a prospective landlord. Plus, a landlord may deny your application due to your criminal record. This can leave you with limited housing options, such as transitional housing programs for felons.
Loan Denial
Whether you need a loan for a vehicle purchase or to buy a house, you’ll likely have a hard time getting either if you have a drug conviction. Loans require a credit history during the application process, and credit agencies are allowed to factor your criminal history into your credit score.
Even if your record isn’t included in your credit history, the costs and employment barriers that come with a drug offense will negatively impact your finances. In the eyes of many loan servicers, they’ll see you as high-risk and may deny you the funds you need.
Charged With a Drug Offense? Call White & Associates Today
Being charged with a drug crime can be frightening, especially with the threat of so many long-term consequences. At White & Associates, we understand what you’re feeling—and we’re here to help.
Our criminal defense attorneys have worked extensively with people facing drug charges and are dedicated to protecting your rights. If you or a loved one is facing a drug offense, schedule a consultation today by calling 763-241-0477 or send us a message.