Getting Back To School With Children Of Divorce
If you are divorced or separated, the return to school for your kids can require revisiting your divorce agreement. You’ll want to review whether your current parenting plan works with the layout of the coming school year.
Moreover, perhaps this year looks different because of the current Covid responses playing out within our communities. The parenting plan and other divorce arrangements you had just a couple of years ago might not be what you need for you and your kids today.
Have Employment Situations Changed?
Remote work or some sort of hybrid work schedule has become quite common for working parents. Do your schedules and work locations fit with what you planned in terms of school drop-off and school pick-up? If not, it is good to go back to your Minnesota parenting agreement and write down alternative terms. Maybe it is easier for one parent to do the driving than for the other. Or, maybe busing will become necessary.
Has either parent (or both) lost their job as a result of the recent health crisis? If there has been a major reduction in income, parents need to work out a more realistic financial arrangement for their child/ren. This discussion might involve child support details but also details such as school choice and extracurricular activities.
Can the family afford the same school or for their child to enroll in the activities that they used to? These aren’t happy conversations, but finding common ground regarding sensitive matters can help provide financial relief and clarity for the parents while setting shared expectations for the children involved.
What About Medical Matters That Now Exist Within Schools?
The pandemic has ignited passionate debate about many matters. With the school year about to start, a pressing question is what will be required of our kids in the classrooms come fall. Will they have to wear masks at school? And what happens when two parents do not agree about the school’s mandate?
Within the parenting agreement sheet for Minnesota, parents is a section about medical decisions and who will be responsible for making the big medical choices for their children. Traditionally, the parent with legal custody has that power, but joint legal custody lets both parents weigh in on medical matters.
If one parent has legal custody and feels one way about mask mandates or vaccination, he or she would be able to make those decisions unless legally challenged by the other parent. Sharing legal custody means a discussion about these health matters is crucial. Communication is key, as most parents want to be aware of the major things happening in their child’s life.
Your Family Law Attorney Can Help Navigate Tough Questions
Divorce has always come with its complicated, sensitive issues. The last couple of years have added even more confusion into the mix of family law matters. If your divorce agreement isn’t clicking with what you want and need during these crazy times, work with a Minnesota divorce lawyer.
The attorneys at White & Associates are sincere about protecting your interests while doing the least harm to your children in the process. Call us at 763-241-0477 or contact us online to discuss how we can help you.